Recently I've been trying to reevaluate my life. Day by day, I'm starting to feel how superficial my world has become. I'm starting to realize how my daily routine has thrown me into a vacuum of conformity. I'm slowly becoming mainstream. I'm not saying that being in the mainstream is bad-- it's just that, the mainstream is putting me into a mold, a confined space, a pattern which does not fit the contours of my twisted mind.
I took a shower. It somehow washed away the unintelligible voices in my head. Then I studied myself in front of the mirror. I saw my soul. It's gray-- a sign that I've been living a predictable life. Again, the little voices are back. I banged a block of ice heavily into the wall, the thud echoed through the night. I put these shards of crystal into a glass of elixir, lit a cigarette and smoked all my worries away... the voices began to peter out. I closed my eyes and wished that I'll have a beautiful dream.